
Dingemans Oat Malt MD 25 kg

SKU: 104690

Dingemans Oat Malt MD is crafted from premium-quality English oats.

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SupplierMouterij Dingemans
Product typeSpecialty malt
Colour2,0 – 4,0 EBC
CharacteristicsMalted oats with husks.
Packaging25 kg
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Dingemans Oat Malt MD is a light-colored malt crafted from premium-quality English oats. These oats feature large, thick husks that aid in effective wort filtration.

Oat Malt MD imparts a pleasant, creamy flavor reminiscent of breakfast porridge. It enhances the mouthfeel, adds body, and introduces a subtle haziness to your beers.

Due to its higher viscosity, Oat Malt doesn’t filter as efficiently as wheat or barley.
This kilned malt can be used in varying quantities, depending on the desired beer style and the capabilities of your brewhouse.

Dingemans Kilned malts

Amber – Aromatic® MD malt is a kilned malt. Kilned malts from Mouterij Dingemans are malted from the best European malting barley. Each lot of barley, wheat, rye undergoes rigorous screening before malting. You can only malt the finest malts from TOP quality grains.

Their kilned malts are fully modified to guarantee proper saccharification and easy filtration in your brewhouse.

Standard production process Dingemans Kilned Malts
  • Fully steeped for 20 to 38 hours depending on barley variety and harvest year;
  • Homogeneous and long germination for 5,5 days;
  • Intensive kilning.

Delivered in easy to use bags:


The malt should be stored dry and on room temperature, on such a way that there can be no contamination from the surroundings and is protected from pests.

SupplierMouterij Dingemans
Product typeSpecialty malt
Colour2,0 – 4,0 EBC
CharacteristicsMalted oats with husks.
Packaging25 kg
Beer styleAll types of beer
UsageUp to 25%