
Dingemans Pale Ale 9 MD 30*25 kg-EPAL

SKU: 102547

Note: EPAL = full Europallet à 750 kg (=30 bags)!

Basemalt with a malty flavour.

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SupplierMouterij Dingemans
Product typePils / Pale / Basemalt
Colour8 – 10 EBC
Boiled wort colour12 – 14 EBC
Pallet30 bags
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Dingemans Pale Ale 9 MD malt is made from the finest 2-row European summer barley. It is fully modified, and receives longer and more intense kilning than Dingemans Pilsen MD malt. It lends a golden colour, complex malty character and exquisite body to the final product.

Thanks to optimal steeping and germinating conditions, homogenous modification is ensured. Because of this, Pale Ale 9 MD malt can be used in 1- or multiple step mashes. Low protein and glucane levels also make for easy clarification and high extraction efficiency.

Because of its high enzymatic activity, this kilned malt can be used for up to 100% of the grain bill in all beer types.

Dingemans Kilned malts

Pale Ale 9 MD is a versatile kilned malt. Kilned malts from Mouterij Dingemans are malted from the best European malting barley. Each lot of barley, wheat, rye undergoes rigorous screening before malting. You can only malt the finest malts from TOP quality grains.

Their kilned malts are fully modified to guarantee proper saccharification and easy filtration in your brewhouse.

Standard production process Dingemans Kilned Malts
  • Fully steeped for 20 to 38 hours depending on barley variety and harvest year;
  • Homogeneous and long germination for 5,5 days;
  • Intensive kilning.

Delivered in easy to use bags:


The malt should be stored dry and on room temperature, on such a way that there can be no contamination from the surroundings and is protected from pests.

SupplierMouterij Dingemans
Product typePils / Pale / Basemalt
Colour8 – 10 EBC
Boiled wort colour12 – 14 EBC
Pallet30 bags
UsageUp to 100%

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