

SKU: 104272

Reduce your gluten levels, stabilise your beer and save energy in one easy step.

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LeverancierAB Vickers
KenmerkenVerminderd glutengehalte, stabiliseert bier en is energiebesparend in één eenvoudige stap.
Verpakking1 kg
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Clarizyme™ will simplify and shorten maturation processes, reducing energy costs and carbon footprint. Clarizyme™  is a highly specific protease that  targets haze-sensitive polypeptides at the carboxyl end of the amino acid proline, preventing chill haze in beer without affecting other beer quality aspects, specifically foam. This same process also degrades gluten into peptides reducing gluten into undetectable amount.


  • Little-to-no investment or equipment needed
  • Increases maturation production capacity
  • Shortens processingtime
  • Prevents chill haze in beer keeping and ensuring quality
  • Can be used with all kinds of malts and other raw materials, making it a versatile brewing enzyme

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LeverancierAB Vickers
KenmerkenVerminderd glutengehalte, stabiliseert bier en is energiebesparend in één eenvoudige stap.
Verpakking1 kg
Let opFlessen zijn niet volledig afgevuld (zie afbeelding).