
Discontinuation products Lallemand

A few months ago we announced that Lallemand will no longer be producing LalBrew Belle Saison™ 11g sachets. Now they have announced that they will no longer be producing LalBrew London™ Classic English-Style Ale yeast as well as the LalBrew...

1 an ago
Malt Crop Reports 2023

Looking back on another challenging year with also great milestones, our maltsters want to bring you up-to-date on what 2024 may bring us, in terms of malt and grain. Mouterij Dingemans You can read everything about the new crop year,...

1 an ago
LalBrew Belle Saison™ 11g

Lallemand has announced that they will no longer produce LalBrew Belle Saison™ 11g sachets in the near future, but why? The product will still be available for now, while supplies last. Before that, more about diastatic yeast strains Special attention...

2 ans ago
Sugar prices

We have received a listing of reasons from our supplier Belgosuc regarding the increases in sugar prices. This concerns both sucrose (beet sugar) and glucose syrups (wheat). We would like to share these to give you a better understanding of...

2 ans ago
Efficiently searching for an analysis certificate

What is an analysis certificate? Let's start by briefly answering the question: What is an analysis certificate? An analysis certificate is a document that describes, among other things, the exact composition of a product. This certificate indicates a certain batch...

2 ans ago
Malt Crop Reports

We have collected 5 important Malt Crop Reports. First of all, we will see a significant rise in malt prices. Starting right at the beginning of 2023. Every harvest brings its challenges, and this year has been no exception. The production...

2 ans ago
Price increases

Indicative prices vs. sales prices Due to various market developments, we are currently facing price increases from several suppliers. Unfortunately, it appears that there still no end in sight. Therefore, the indicative prices on our website-portal may differ from the...

2 ans ago
Update European hop crop 2022

The extreme drought last summer combined with extremely high temperatures has had quite an impact on the hop plants and crop yield in Europe. On one hand, there is much less yield in kg of hops per hectare: sometimes down...

2 ans ago
Malt prices UK maltings

Crisp Malt, Thomas Fawcett & Sons en Pauls Malt. De nieuwe moutprijzen voor januari-december 2023 zijn bekend van de UK mouterijen in ons assortiment: Crisp Malt, Thomas Fawcett & Sons en Pauls Malt. Deze gaan voor bestellingen per 1 januari 2023 een flink stuk hoger zijn, dus...

2 ans ago
holland malt foto
Holland Malt Cropsheet ’22

Barley and malt are natural products. Depending on the growing season each crop year has its own characteristics and behavior. Holland Malt started production of the new crop in October and is now ready to share information about the barley,...

2 ans ago
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