Looking back on another challenging year with also great milestones, our maltsters want to bring you up-to-date on what 2024 may bring us, in terms of malt and grain.
Mouterij Dingemans
You can read everything about the new crop year, some news from the farmer, from the maltster and the effect on your brewing by clicking on this button below.
Holland Malt
We hereby present you the Holland Malt Cropsheet 2023, with information on the new crop of malting barley. Since the last barley fields in Europe were harvested, Holland Malt analyzed the different origins and varieties, tested them and worked out specific advices for processing in the brewhouse. Main observations can be found in their Crop Report.
Crisp Malt
This guide is designed to give you an understanding of how the growing year has progressed and for Crisp Malt to report there harvest results. Read more about:
- England Harvest 2023
- Scotland Harvest 2023
- Barley market report
Thomas Fawcett & Sons Ltd
Read more about Fawcett’s challenging year, partly due to the extreme weather conditions. The wet weather has visibly left its impact on the harvest.
Thomas Fawcett & Sons Ltd is confident that the quality of there raw materials purchased crop will enable them to continue making premium malts in 2024, and that all customers can be re-assured of their commitment to supplying with the very best malts available. Read the full report by clicking the button below.
Quality update about crop 2023 Europe with the focus on France.
- Barley Quality Overview
- Variety Landscape
- Industrial Malt Results
Mälzerei Steinbach
First harvest report on the 2023 malting barley harvest in Germany and more information about the harsh conditions it had to deal with. Including a handy chart.
We hope we’ve provided you all the neccessary information you need with these 6 malt crop reports, but if there are any questions please feel free to contact us.
With regards,
Team SBI